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20 SEO Tips from EX Googlers


We have sourced a list of 20 effective SEO Tips direct from Ex Google employees!
Tip 1 – Content Relevancy is important for SEO.
Tip 2 – High quality Directories are still worthwhile.
Tip 3 – Do not trust directories which ask for reciprocal links.
Tip 4 – Do not use scraped or obvious poorly written content on your websites.
Tip 5 – META Keywords are still worthwhile if you include highly relevant ones.
Tip 6 – If you are going to build a links on a website check the commercial vs. non-commercial ratio of the anchors that site currently has.
Tip 7 – Don’t put more than 2 commercial keywords in your title tags
Tip 8 – Make sure that you use Titles and Descriptions on your website as they are key ranking elements.
Tip 9 – Use competitive intelligence tools such as and Majestic SEO.
Tip 10 – Focus on high quality content if you wish to future proof your SEO.
Tip 11 – Make sure that you have Google Places and Google+ Set up for your business they are crucial elements for business.
Tip 12 – Make sure that you use internal linking wisely it can be an effective piece to your SEO strategy.
Tip 13 – There are over 3,000 ranking elements Google uses for websites.
Tip 14 – When doing SEO try to forget about SEO.
Tip 15 – If 90% of your link profile uses a commercial anchor text it will raise suspicion.
Tip 16 – You must be careful how you use the Disavow tool, if used wrongly it can be harmful for your website a better strategy is to reach out to have the links removed first.
Tip 17 – Leverage social signals for your website from Tweet’s to Google+’s.
Tip 18 – Never build 1000 links from splogs or spam links in a short period of time it will only leave you with a negative SEO point of view.
Tip 19 – Exact Match Domains are still worthwhile if you build a quality site from them, by quality site it means quality link profile and also quality on page content.
Tip 20 – High quality PR is still worthwhile if it is from trusted news sources.

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