Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions visitors ask.

Q. What is the cost of link building?

Our work starts at $2,000 AUD +GST a Month, this involves prospecting, outreach, content development.

The amount of links you receive will depend on various factors such as which industry you are in and also depend on how competitive the niche is.

Q. Will I receive a report?

We send monthly reports for all clients with key metrics such as Domain Rank to show quality of the links.

Q. Will the links be long term?

All links we build are long term and we do not take them down if the campaign stops, it is based on the site how long they stay live for.

Q. How long does the work take?

Our projects run in 30 day monthly periods, we send reports at the end of the month for clients.

Q. Are you links relevant to my industry?

We always try to secure links which are relevant to a specific industry, sometimes we use similar industries to secure placements.

Q. Who writes the content?

We have Australian writers who will write the content for the local market. 

Q. What do you use to monitor link quality?

We use Domain Rank from Ahrefs please read the guide here Domain rank from Ahrefs.

Q. Any niches you do not work in?

We do not work in online casinos, adult niches, poker, illegal content.

Q. Who do we work best with?

We work best with clients who can make decisions quickly, are willing to test new things, have the correct infrastructure to grow and have the basic concepts of SEO covered.