Backlink Removal

Are you looking for a Backlink Removal service based in Australia?

We have worked with several small and large Australian businesses and also global businesses to assist with removing backlinks and helping websites with penguin and penalty recovery.


Here is a recent case study for a client where we assisted with link analysis and backlink removal which can be viewed on MOZ:

Increasing Organic SEO Traffic by 400,000
Unique Visitors a Month!

What is involved in a Backlink removal project?

Step 1:

Analysis of current link profile

During this stage we look at all the in coming links to your website and distinguish the good from the bad. It is important to have a specialist complete analysis on good and bad links as many of the 3rd party tools on the market do not offer the level of detailed analysis you need to do.


This process involves splitting the link profile in various groups based on link metrics such as authority, follow and do follow attributes. We also investigate redirects from varied sources.

Step 2:

Email collecting and removal of Backlinks

During the next phase we collect all the who is data from the websites currently linking to your site which are low quality. Further to this we build a customer email template to send out to the webmasters, it is crucial to do this to ensure the success for your link removal campaign.

Step 3:

Create Disavow file

We create the disavow file based on websites we deem to have a negative impact on your rankings.

Step 4:

Construct Reconsideration request

We write a custom reconsideration request for the search quality team this stage can take several attempts. The benefit of our detailed formula for reconsideration requests is that this is tailored for your business.


Overall the link removal and reconsideration process we base our work from our proven track record working with big brands generating results to develop the correct strategy for your business.

Step 5:

If you are interested in backlink removal contact us now for a FREE analysis and proposal.