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Australian Review of Ahrefs Backlink Analysis Tool

We decided to put together a series of reviews on common Backlink checking tools in the market to help customers select the best backlink tool for your business.
We start our analysis looking at a relatively new comer on the market called Ahrefs: ( which has been in operation since 2011.
We have been using many different tools over the years so we know what works and what does not work, we have decided to show the best features Ahrefs Professional, to show what this edition has on offer for customers.
We will be using the website Australian website for our analysis:
1. First up when you visit the website you see the home page where you can enter the website for analysis:
2. This will then take you too a backlinks overview page which will give you a quick overview of some key metrics for the specific website been overall links, followed links and also social media based metrics for the website:
3. Below the overview you see graphs which show the specific elements for the domain, this is a really nice overview and the information in in depth. This is the type of data which you can pull up for presentations and analysis for clients in my eyes this is a key feature that SEOmoz’s Open Site Explorer is missing, yet Ahrefs and Majestic SEO have it.
4. The next graph shows Backlink TLD referrals this is also quite a nice overview for presentations, as it is visually pleasing and presents the data in a nice way.
TLD Referrals
5. Referring Domains is the next element which is displayed, it shows a good overview of the referring domains the website from an anchor text point of view.
6. New and Lost domains is another powerful feature which is used, basically you can see any domains which have removed your link on a day by day period, this is great for link building and you can go back and re acquire links.
7. Top Pages review is another tab which is used by the tool, it shows you the top linked to pages on any website long with social sharing data of these pages.
8. Top Page Anchors Analysis shows a break down by percentage of the anchor text which is linking to your site.
9. Top linked too domains analysis on social sharing and link metrics:
10. Mentions Tracker is another interesting offering Ahrefs has, it seemed that it needs a bit of work to be more up to date. But still a nice add onto the tool set.
Mentions Tracker
11. Domain comparison is another tool which Ahrefs offers, personally I like the int
doman backlink comparison
12. Bulk Backlink Checking: This is a great feature if you want to check the link metrics of say 500 domains at once.
bulk backlink check
Overall I feel that the Ahrefs tool is one of the best backlink Analysis tools on the market currently. From my analysis it has a deep index of websites which positions it at the top of the market. I feel they could make some enhancements to the multi site backlink comparison tool as the Majestic SEO comparison tool in my eyes if more in depth. Also the mentions tracker is a tool which I feel could use some further enhancements. Yet overall if you want a great Backlink Checker tool look no further than Ahrefs.
Review Score: 8/10
Price of Product: $79 for the Professional Version.

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