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Creative Link Building Tips from 46 Top SEOs

SEO for link-building is a tough topic, but we’ve managed to get 46 experienced SEOs to chime in on the topic.
We asked them the following question – What is your most creative link building tip for 2017?
We summarised all 46 Answers below, we have also included the full answer from each SEO listed below.
Tip 1 – Use proper public relations for offsite work & be helpful to maximise the way people discover content on your site.
Tip 2 – Do original research and mention it where ever possible.
Tip 3 – Reverse engineer content that is already ranking well.
Tip 4 – Build a tool to acquire great links.
Tip 5 – Targeted landing pages with quality content.
Tip 6 – Using freelancers on People per hour who have contacts at Forbes to get placement.
Tip 7 – Build a small tool to assist your link building campaign.
Tip 8 – Review book owners in your niche and ask them to link back.
Tip 9 – Create a content asset that positions you as a expert, it could be research or a video.
Tip 10 – Competitor link building, acquire broken links to competitors.
Tip 11 – Form relationships with other SEO’s who do not compete with you and gain link ideas they can not use.
Tip 12 – Engage with your customers on social media, let the community link to you.
Tip 13 – Aim to get more than a link; get referrals, trust and research.
Tip 14 – Using Scholarship link building tactics.
Tip 15 – Use social media to interview people and quote them across multiple social channels also ensure they link back.
Tip 16 – Research a gap in your niche where opportunity exist, let all important players know you have produced this content to fill this gap.
Tip 17 – Use Facebook groups to grow and attract traffic, shares and links.
Tip 18 – Form relationships with bloggers who contribute on a regular basis.
Tip 19 – Use broken link building and also competitive link acquisition.
Tip 20 – Use Q&A sessions on popular blogs to acquire links.
Tip 21 – Create great content which attracts links also sponsoring different community events to acquire links.
Tip 22 – Offer Freebies everyone loves a give away and other blogs love sharing freebies.
Tip 23 – Give testimonials where possible to acquire links back.
Tip 24 – Use the Skyscraper technique to form great content then use this long tail content to acquire links.
Tip 25 – Use video to acquire links.
Tip 26 – Produce content with unique data and leverage outreach to promote this data
Tip 27 – Use social media to acquire links.
Tip 28 – Analyse the best performing content in your niche and make a new version of it.
Tip 29 – Create super valuable, relevant, audience-focused content and pitch it to the top publications in your niche.
Tip 30 – Treat your outreach in a friendly manner, do not treat them as a link building target aim to treat them as a real person.
Tip 31 – Focus on building links which are relevant location, topic, industry.
Tip 32 – Create great content which will secure editorial links.
Tip 33 – Using quality guest posts is still a great way to build links.
Tip 34 – Always try to reply to expert round ups and interview requests they make for good link opportunities.
Tip 35 – Create amazing content which answers questions people have.
Tip 36 – Use outreach on scale to acquire links if you contact 100 sites you could have a 25% success ratio.
Tip 37 – Competitive link acquisition to uncover the best links competitors have.
Tip 38 – Publish original research, create something that gets people talking.
Tip 39 – Create content that mentions other people and other products, use these mentions to acquire links.
Tip 40 – Build relationships to acquire links.
Tip 41 – Making a great infographic, this should include research and quality design.
Tip 42 – Outreach is still a safe method in 2017.
Tip 43 – Create relevant, updates and ever green content.
Tip 44 – Humorous EGO-Bait using influencers.
Tip 45 – Use expert roundups to acquire links.
Tip 46 – Use different types of round up posts to acquire links.
Enjoy and please share the post.
1. Alan Bleiweiss
Don’t think of it as link building because that has become a critically dangerous vortex of toxicity in the search marketing industry. Thinking that way leads people to fail entirely to apply the concept of human value to the entire process.  While some people do understand this, and respect the need to care about the human experience, too many fail at this and that leads to sites that, even when no spam is involved, having very weak off-site signals.  Unnatural patterns arise.
Like too many links come from blog posts, or guest posts, or scholarship lists or any other number of source types. Simultaneously, little to no valid, earned links come from web sites most relevant to the link target site’s industry, or those that do also create an artificial low threshold of quality pattern.
If you don’t have a proper, public relations focus as your primary driving force for off-site work, you’re much more likely to fail long-term.  If you’re not being helpful in maximized ways to people who discover content that link to your site, you’re much more likely to fail long-term.
2. Andy Crestodina
Do original research on an important topic in your niche. Make sure it produces a specific datapoint that makes a good soundbite or shows a trend. Make a graphic that shows the datapoint.
Next, whenever you get the chance to discuss this topic (in a roundup, guest post, webinar, Quora answer, podcast, etc.) mention the research, add the visual and link back to the original piece. The link can be an image source link. Since the research (and image) are original, the editors should leave in the link. The datapoint becomes an image. The image gets an image source link, so the piece is now a link magnet.
3. Andrew James
My number one link building tip is to reverse engineer something that’s already working, make it interactive, and reach out to the people who already linked out to similar pieces. It’s like the Skyscraper technique on steroids.
If you have a specific search term you’d like to target and the term is informational in nature, most of the content that’s already ranking will be in a text + images (maybe infographic) format.
I collect all the data from the posts that are rankings, expand/make it better – more engaging, and transform the text into a quiz, flowchart… anything that’s interactive and engaging for the reader (more time on page, more clicks, less bounces).
Then simply reach out to the people and spread the word out 😉
4. Andrew Shotland

  1. Build a tool like our amazing Link-o-matic that automates linkbuilding without any risk of a Google Penalty
  2. Put up a splash page on your site like
  3. When you get asked about ideas for an expert roundup post on linkbuilding, send them the Link-o-matic link. Here it is again btw

The most creative link building tip of 2017 is fairly simple, but often overlooked.  Don’t just send ONE email asking for a link from someone, in fact, don’t ask for a link from someone, in fact don’t “ask for a link” at all!
In all of my link building campaigns I do two things:
1)  I always ask to be “included as a resource” on their website.  This is better than “Can you link to me” which most webmasters HATE to hear as it’s spammy and everyone does it.
2)  I send three follow up emails to every link request.  If by the 3rd email they don’t respond, I delete and move on.  I always use to just email once and rarely I would get something back, but now that ask 3 times in a row, I tend to have a much higher success rate.
5. Aleksander Saiyan
Targeted landing pages with quality content. A lot of companies are using Facebook Adds and other social media platforms to bring traffic in. It’s not enough that potential clients just go to the mainpage but a specific landing page for demographics you are focusing on will reap more benefits. So 19-25 age range for males vs 34-50 females…figured out your customer needs and create content for them.
6. Chris Dyson
My number one link building tip would be to go on a site like People per hour & established hire writers.
You can often get a link on a site like Forbes for about $600.
7. Christoph Engelhardt
In my humble opinion the most creative link building tactic is to actually create something of value.
Build a small tool that helps your target audience achieve a goal. There is an abundance of examples out there of this:
* Pablo by Buffer (link:
* CSS inliner tool by Mailchimp (
* HTTPS SEO Check by LinksSpy (
* Website Speed Test by WPEngine (
You can also offer a feature/usage-limited version of your full product. Good examples  are Open Site Explorer by Moz ( (, which both allow you to make a few searches each day for free.
What small tool could you build to improve the life of your target audience?
8. Daniel
Contact book owners in your niche and ask if they are interested in having their books promoted on your website. You can write a review about the book, or publish a single chapter. Most book authors also own a website these days, so you can ask them to return the favour by linking to your piece. Bonus tip: link to their books on Amazon, and use your affiliate link to earn a commission on sales. Two birds with one stone!
9. David Leonhardt
Create something that positions you as the expert. That means a report or some research that is highly focused and conveys authority. I might be a video or a PDF or a slideshow or pretty much anything. This works for link-building in two ways: 1. People love to share and link to good content. If you have something that really nails a topic and smells of authority, it will get links. 2. People love to ask experts questions. If you wrote the report or gave the presentation on a topic, you will get quoted (and your website will attract the links).
10. Dave Schneider
Competitor link building. We wrote about that here. Basically, we look for broken links featuring your competitors and reach out to the bloggers to either replace with a link featuring us or to link to us as an alternative.
11. David Waring
My #1 creative link building tip for 2017 is to form relationships with SEO’s at complimentary non competitive companies.  There are many opportunities that you come across when link building that are not right for your website, but would be right for another website.  Same is true for most people when doing link building. By forming these types of relationships where you help other SEO’s by building links to their site and they help you build links for your website you can exponentially increase the power of your link building efforts.
12. Debra Ruh
My one creative link building tip for 2017: “Brands forget to truly engage with their audience on social media.  Listen and Learn about your followers viewpoints, concerns and what they like best about your products and services.  Do not expect to have a one-sided (it is all about me) conversation where we sit at your feet and adore you.  Engage with your followers to create community and build brand ambassadors. We notice the brands that really engage with us.  Social Media is Social.”
13. Dennis Seymour
As I’m running a startup (SeriousMD, it’s important that I try different creative link building strategies.
My goal with smaller markets is to get more than just a link. It’s to get trust, get referrals and get to know the real people that can aid us in our journey.
After compiling, researching and creating content, we made the blog post public and started outreach to the doctors featured on the site.
They loved it and linked back to our blog posts (and other pages) organically over time. It started a dialogue and built a relationship. That’s worth more than any link out there. We’ve also been getting copycats (I track the whole industry so I can see who viewed our post and made a knockoff) and we’ve been getting suggestions to add more to the list, even to this day.
14. Eric Gati
My number one creative link building tip that I’ve heard in 2017 is the “scholarship” technique.  I’m sure others can explain this better, but basically you start a scholarship that your business/website is funding, and you reach out to educational institutions (universities, etc.) to help you publicize it.  If done correctly, this can result in some pretty powerful .edu backlinks to your site.
15. Evan Carmichael
Use your social media channels. Interview people for your YouTube channel. Quote them for your twitter account. Create a picture with their products for your Instagram. Use your social channels to give them exposure and create value so they want to promote you with a link.
16. Evgeniy Garkaviy
The best creative link building tip I will recommend to anyone is quite simple and effective. You should research a segment of your niche where information gap exist, provide the information in the form of an infographic or an article. Let all the important players in your niche know about it about the content you produced to plug the information gap. The number of sites referencing or linking to your article or infographic will amaze you. The best way to inform people is using social media or email marketing. Of course many people will ignore your email but even if you can get 5 links from 30 emails it will be fantastic.
Another very productive link building tip is broken link building and especially Wikipedia broken link building. You should go to this section: and see if you can find any interesting topic for yourself. Then find a broken citation and use Web Archive to see what was the content of the broken article. Recreate it on your website and change a link in original Wikipedia article.
17. Floyd Buenavente
I honestly don’t have a single go to creative link building tip because I believe that each particular niche should be approached differently depending on its market. But at the back of my head perhaps what I would consider to be the most creative one so far is through Facebook.
I start with creating my own network by creating an FB page and then lurking in other groups related to my niche. Afterwards I share some posts using the posts of my FB page and the posts inside the FB page are from my website.
Voila! instant traffic! Not only does your fans grow but your traffic and shares do to.
Does it affect the algorithm of Google? Yes and No, but it adds authority and a targeted list of people you can retarget using FB ads or Adwords afterwards.
Works well for me.
You can find more info about more creative link building tips in my upcoming post about it in my SEO Blog.
18. Gail Gardner
The number one way my blog attracts incoming links is the relationships I have with serious bloggers who are also influencers and highly active on social media, and Twitter in particular. Serious bloggers tend to be regular contributors on many sites. Because they are familiar with my site, they know what kind of content is there and they know they can ask me if I have anything related to what they are currently writing. We make that easy by having Skype groups where writers interact as well as leaving Skype open all the time and regularly responding on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
19. Gabriella Sannino
It’s hard to name just one, because two methods top my list.
The first is regaining lost backlinks, or requesting an updated link. For example, you update your site and redirect Page A to Page B. A linking site still links to Page A. Contact and ask for an updated link. Or you find a 404 and find that several websites are linking to this broken page. Offer an updated link.
At the same time, you can write an updated version of the page they’ve linked to and offer them the new link, or show them a different resource all-together. The point is you have already established a relationship with them. Much easier than building a brand new one.
The second is competitor link analysis. Who are they linking to? Who is linking to them and how? Review and decide whether you can match the offer – not necessarily to take the link away from the competitor, but to add your link in.
For example, let’s say Competitor ZYX has posted a blog on Site BC with a relevant linkback within the content. This is rare, and worth finding out if Site BC is accepting more blog posts.
As another example, if Competitor ZYX has broken inbound links, you can attempt to snatch them up with updated, relevant links.
Link building in 2017 takes ingenuity and resourcefulness, but it is still possible.
20. Heather Smith
I encourage complimentary businesses to ask me questions of interest to their audience, which I can quickly convert into a blog post for them. Here’s an example of a Q and A, I did with ecommerce solution Neto: It introduces me to their audience, positions me as the subject matter expert and includes links on their site back to my website.
21. Ionut Neagu
Our favourite tactic here at CodeinWP: Create good content 🙂
Maybe it doesn’t sound too creative, but it’s like a great product. If you have a good one, it’s easier to sell it. Same goes for good content.
Easier to be shared and attract links. I guess if I would start a new project I would look into how I could make the product/website/content itself attract backlinks instead of “building” them myself.
That said, on the E-commerce side, not all products might be backlink-worthy. What we did is to organize different events for an active community. Sponsoring could also work if you don’t have the time or resources to get into this. But being recognized as the organizer definitely has its perks
22. Jacob Cass
Freebies. Everyone loves something for free and other blogs love sharing freebies, especially in round up compilation posts so offer something valuable for free and the links will come in. To put this into perspective, for the past few years I’ve offered a free “logo design inspiration eBook“, in exchange for an email address. This has not only garnered thousands of email subscribers but it has been featured on many free eBook compilation posts.
23. James Reynolds
Give Testimonials
There’s not one company I know (big or small) that doesn’t love to show off the praise they’ve received from happy customers.
If there are products or services you use – and would be happy to endorse – consider giving them a testimonial.
Seriously, it’s one of the best ways I know to build your personal brand and win links from high authority pages. Hint – many websites put their testimonials right up front on the homepage.
Here’s how to find them:
First, make a list of all the products, services, books, courses etc. you’ve purchased in the last few years – take a look around your home and office and I promise you’ll find loads to add to your list.
Next, note down the websites for these products/services and use search operators to find the pages on their sites where testimonials are displayed. Here’s a few to try: “testimonials” “praise” “what our customers say”
Then using a browser add-on like “No Follow” you can check to see if the testimonials link to the customer’s site using a full follow link.
Those that do, should be your primary targets.
The last step is to write your testimonial and send it off to the site.
When you do, be sure to mention you’d be happy to have your write up displayed on their site with a link to you so that visitors can see the testimonial is real.
A simple, yet creative way to win powerful links.
24. Jock Purtle
Our most creative link building tip for 2017 and one that we have been having great success with is the Skyscaper technique. We have been finding that high domain authority sites have naturally been ranking well for longtail keywords without any links built to the pages. And when you do build links to those pages you get number one rankings very quickly. The Skyscaper technique allows you to build lots of links to internal pages thus increasing your domains authority and boosting your overall rankings in the search engines.
25. Josh Steimle
Video, video, VIDEO! Of course the video needs to deliver great value, but make video part of your webpages wherever it can make sense. If you create a blog post, make a video that accompanies it. If you want to go super simple just make a video of you essentially delivering the same message that’s in the blog post so people can choose between watching/listening or reading (but don’t ever just read the blog post on video–nobody likes to listen to someone read).
26. Jon Haver
My #1 link building tip for 2017 is to produce content that involves unique data…. then leverage outreach to share that information with influencers. We have recently had a lot of success with truly original data-rich content and then reaching out to people who would be interested in that content. If the data is truly unique then it can do very well if picked up by the right people.
27. Kyle Gosselin
The number one tip for 2017 is to utilize social media. Social media links are now helping SEO. Developing creative ideas to get other people to share your link is becoming a very useful strategy in many ways.
28. Krystian Szastok
My best creative link building tip is:
Analyse the best performing content in your niche – from last year and see if there is an opportunity for an update. Then outreach to people who shared/linked to that older content telling them there’s an updated version.
For example a guide that shows old version software screenshots, or a solution that doesn’t work anymore.
In your outreach explain exactly why this old resource isn’t viable anymore. Editors will thank you for doing their job for them.
29. Konrad Sanders
Perhaps this isn’t creative enough for this article… But my number one link-building tip for 2017 would still be: creative super valuable, relevant, audience-focused content and pitch it to the top publications in your niche.
With backlinks it’s all about quality, not quantity. And to get a backlink from one of these high-authority industry giants, there is no sly trick.
You need to do something for them.
You need to create a piece of content so lazer-focused on THEIR readers (yet also heavily connected to your field of expertise) that their editors will jump at the chance to include it in their content calendar. An article so gripping and valuable, that it will go viral. With a title so intriguing and persuasive that their followers and subscribers will click that link in a heartbeat.
Then, of course, drop in a couple of links back to a) your main site or blog and b) a landing page with gated downloadable content.
If you really nail it, they’ll be asking you to submit again. And those other top publications will be glad to have you contribute.
Which means? More quality backlinks. More traffic. More subscribers. More authority. More brand exposure. More leads. More sales. More money. And bigger smiles.
30. Lexi Mills

Remember at the end of the data point/email/ Twitter account is a real person just like you, it’s easy to see an email address and perceive “it” as a ‘link-building target’. If you get a photo of them up when writing them an email you will naturally shift from seeing them as a target to treating them in a more friendly manner and thus increase your likelihood of getting a response. It is equally important to consider the people their publications aims to please. All outreach should begin with these two factors in mind.
31. Margaret Ornsby
Number one creative link building tip for 2017.
Links matter, for sure. The debate will go on for ages as to just how important they are for Google, and whether Google really is “smart enough” to tell quality from not.  The idea of a “linkless” algorithm is alluring but I don’t see that becoming a reality in the next 12 months. I also don’t believe they’ll ever go away completely, but I do believe the emphasis for them will shift significantly. For that reason I still include link building as an integral part of SEO services.
I’ve had good success when building links from sites where the focus was more about relevance (i.e. location, topic, industry), than it was on whether the site had a high DA or not.  I’ve also seen situations where high DA site links made very little difference, and frankly wasn’t worth the investment in time and effort. That same investment spent on a few “lesser links” focussed on the relevance factor would have likely been a better return.
To find opportunities I use a combination of tactics, and good old Google is one of them.  Simply using the top 10 or 20 search results from Google, then running those sites through and analysis for linked-to (in & out) and broken links normally reveals something to work with.
I like the “relevance” approach because it gives flexibility and requires creativity.  Coming up with an approach for a local business in an industry that people typically don’t think to link to, takes thinking effort. It also means you can have more than one client at a time in the same industry, and not have to worry about cross-over.  For example, if the owners are two different specialties within the same industry, then you have multiple angles to work from and not be competing with yourself.  Inevitably, when digging around for client A, you come across something that you might not have found otherwise for client B.
32. Marcus Miller
My number one tip for link building in 2017 and beyond is simply to not over complicate it. This may seem counter-intuitive but as long as you ensure you are always adding value to the web and to your potential audience you will be fine. You can then justify every link with common sense reasons. You want editorial links and to get these you need great content. The build it and they will come mentality does not work for links though, especially on a small business scale with no existing audience. So create content and tell people about it with guest posts and digital PR. I go into some detail on this purposely simple strategy in a recent Search Engine Land post on link building for small businesses.
33. Marc Guberti
Writing guest posts is a great way to build links because not only does your content get in front of more people, but by the time people reach your link, they have been warmed up by your content from the guest post. More of these people will then click on your link and be very engaged visitors during this timeframe. At this point, it’s your job to provide your new visitors with a legendary experience through your content.
34. Megan Jerrard
Responding to every email request for participation in expert roundups, requests to be interviewed, and allowing anyone who wants to quote or republish our content to do so. Many people ignore these unsolicited emails which come through, however it’s a very easy way to gain links with very little time / effort on your part. Writing this response took me 2 minutes, and in a world where people are paying for links, that’s pretty good value! So respond to every email which comes through offering a link in return for a quote / participation in a collaboration.
35. Marko Saric
For me any link building starts with the publishing of amazing content. Content that answers the questions that real people have. Content that is educational, informative and entertaining. Content that is better and more in-depth than other content that’s currently out there. Content that real people love to consume and share with their networks. This content drive traffic, social media shares and links on the strength of its quality and relevancy. This has been the case 5 years ago and this is the case this year too for me.
36. Mi Muba
A lot has been written on every topic online. So instead of creating a post partially covering a topic just compile a post on popular topic by summing up all that is already been shared online. Either do it as list post or as an epic post covering all aspects of a topic.
Then send a request for back link to all those who have partially covered this topic on their blog by requesting them to mention your post as complete solution of a given problem.
Make request to 100 blogs and if you get 25% positive response it means 25 organic links and with ten fortnightly posts of same quality you can get 250 back links in five months that is an amazing performance to build links without investing money
37. Mike Ramsey
Put the competition to work in 2017 with our “Nifty” – sorry, spreadsheet that makes competitor link research faster and more efficient than ever. Simply follow these instructions to uncover shared links among your top competitors, and go help yourself to whatever’s attainable. It works for any industry, no paid subscriptions required and it’s bound to produce some good links in a short amount of time.
38. Marie Haynes
I have found that the best way to get links that truly move the needle is to publish original research. Create something that gets people talking. If you’re an SEO, do some SEO experiments and publish them. Those will attract links naturally. If you’re doing SEO for a local business, find a question that people have in that vertical and find a way to test, research and answer that question. Then, if you have a good study you can reach out to local journalists and offer an interview. This usually results in good earned links as well.
39. Pavlos Giorkas
The number one Link building method that works for me is what I like to call ” Oprah Method”. Oprah Winfrey always talks about other people in her shows. I like to produce list articles that mention other bloggers or many products. After that, I always contact the people/product owners who’ve I mentioned in the list article and tell them that I have mentioned them in my article. 90% of the time people get excited, share that article to their audience just to show how popular they are. Many times, they’ve even send an email to their list about your article and also connect with you through their articles.
40. Ryan Biddulph
Relationship building!
Forget building links. Links are inanimate objects. Lifeless. But when you build friendships with top bloggers in your niche through genuine guest posting and genuine blog commenting all the links you could ever dream of flow to you through your army of rabid, supportive friends who promote you, endorse you and spread your word.
41. Rick Ramos
My number one link building tip is still making the best infographic you can make. A good infographic is really two things. First step is it must contain unique data that someone has never seen. It could be from a survey you’ve done to your users or one you sent out to a community. If you are in a specific niche, ask the people in that community something unique. Second step is to take that data and make it something visually beautiful. Make the data you have come alive. Take inspiration from other infographics you’ve seen and were compelled to share. Creating a great infographic takes a long time, 20-30 hours isn’t uncommon. The research and design part are labour intensive. You can make a quick and easy one based on someone else’s data but my experience is that it won’t perform nearly as well as a great infographic. I’ve seen a single infographic get over 1,000 links. Well worth the time and effort.
42. Rajesh Namase
In my opinion, outreach is the best and probably the safest method for 2017. Check out Brian’s blog: He has shared excellent outreach techniques that actually work.
43. Sean Si
SEO Hacker
The most creative tip that I can give for link building is providing relevant, updated and best of all, evergreen content. Famous techniques such as the Skyscraper Strategy and even Broken Link Building follow the same thought process: Providing current information to a specific audience that proves to be an extremely reliable resource tends to naturally attract links, even with minimum effort. Just always be vigilant with sharing it to the right audience at the right time. Another creative way of gaining links is by doing a round up (such as this one) – letting experts help you create your content while answering a common niche question is a smart way to attract readers. The experts who contribute to these roundups tend to share the article on their social pages, allowing their audiences to become your audience as well. Bottom-line, it’s best to remember: the better the content, the larger the possibility of gaining links
44. Steve Wiideman
Humorous ego-bait is still the most effective link building tip we know of to attract links. The initial boost of influencer sharing lights the fire and their followers do the rest. An example of this would be the post by SEJ Halloween of 2013:
As always, it’s important to monitor where the competition are getting visibility, not just for long-term SEO, but for relevant advertising opportunities as well.
45. Swadhin Agrawal
Link building is one aspect of blogging that I take very seriously. Over the time, I have created my own list of safe backlink building tips which I use over and over again to harness white hat link building for my blog.
One of my most favorite link building tip off that resource is to get them naturally using expert round up posts. Expert roundup posts are very easy to handle and leverage to get backlinks without much hard work.
Here are some tips to get easy backlinks with expert roundup posts:

  1. Make sure you already have some awesome content on your blog.
  2. Do some branding effort for your blog so that people out there know you and your blog.
  3. When you land expert roundup posts, make sure to submit them quicker because some writers tend to place the tips submitted early, high on the list. Hence more link juice.
  4. Share it around after the roundup gets published as a sign of courtesy. This will also help you get exposure so that new requests keep coming in.

46. Tom Roberts
My number 1 link building tip for 2017 is: Expert Roundups. Everything can be made into an expert roundup.
FAQ for your product? Make it an expert roundup. Privacy Policy? More like Expert Round Up Privacy Policy!
You could even make your robots.txt file an expert roundup too. Who wouldn’t link to that?
You could also reverse engineer other round up posts which have been completed in the past to acquire ideas, a list of target users who you could use and you can look at which users have a decent social media following. They can be a useful way to generate social shares, links and traffic.
Please share the round up if you liked these tips!

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