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SEO moz HUGE Jelly Bean Guessing Competition Anyone Can Win!

So here at we love giveaways our last competition had 48 people enter from all over the globe. Resulting in numerous prizes to the winning contestants receiving some great Google goodies including: Google Pens, Google books and other swag (Stay tuned for more give away’s as well)
Now today I was thinking so we need another give away it has been too long since the last one. I was looking at my box of search merchandise in my office which I have been given over the years and was thinking what can we run as a follow up competition that will be better than the last competition??
I saw this HUGE SEO moz cup sitting their, Moz sent me 2 years ago for been a top contributor on the site search for James Norquay here. As SEO moz no longer exists this merchandise is “Vintage” so do not miss your chance to own a piece of SEO MOZ memorabilia, A must have for any search lover.
So after selecting the competition Goodies, I decided it would be fun to run a SEO moz Jelly Bean guessing competition. Who doesn’t love a Jelly Bean guessing competition!!!
To win all you need to do is use with Tweet button below and include your guess in that Tweet (It should take seconds to do, how cool is that)
Prize 1: SEO moz HUGE Mug
Cup 2Cup 3Cup 4Cup 4
Prize 2 & 3 – Other SEO MOZ Swag (one each)
Runners UP

HOW TO ENTER: Use the big Tweet @connections8 button directly below to tweet out the message, to go into the running to win the competition you must include your guess when the Tweet button comes up example (MY GUESS IS: 777.) you include the 777. Please note 777 is not the winning number.

Terms and conditions:
* Entry will close at the end of the month November 1st 2013 (12am Australian Eastern Standard time) May close earlier if exact guess is made before this date, first correct guess will win.
* We will ship the MUG & Other goodies to the following countries: US, UK, Australia, Most European Union areas any other areas please ask in the comments. Post via standard post as this is quite heavy (heaps of jelly beans)
* First person to guess the correct amount will win the prize.
* The two entries which are closest to the winning guess will will the runners up prize.
* Twitter Rules: Please do not use multiple accounts to Tweet (one account per person)
* Please do not Tweet the message repeatedly (one tweet per person) as per Twitter rules.
* @connections8 – must be in the tweet to enter successfully so we can track the mentions accordingly.

Any other questions please ask in the comments.

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