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Link Building Company

Now more than ever high-quality links are what’s going to make your brand stand out. Backlinks are a great sign to search engines that you have a website worth sharing. And if you don’t have them then your competitors will. 

Send us a message to automate your link building and work with our experienced link building company. Discover why we’re trusted by brands across Australia, Europe and the US. 

Link Building Services

We’re a dedicated link building agency offering services to help achieve your SEO goals. These services secure high-quality backlinks that enable you to beat your competition.

Bespoke High-Quality Backlinks

Our strategy focuses on securing important, authoritative links via various methods such as outreach, competitive and profile link acquisitions, asset creation and guest posts, and specialised tactics like broken link building. 

We prioritise manual, quality-focused link building and avoid sectors like online gambling, adult content, and unlawful material to maintain your brand’s integrity. Our team in Australia is prepared to create a link building strategy that fits your objectives for the market in which you operate. 

Digital PR

Digital PR features your brand in relevant, authoritative online media outlets. Our campaigns, promoted by journalists, grant you backlinks that are genuinely earned, this increases your brand’s awareness, traffic, and authority significantly. We manage asset creation and create unique pitches for media virality. Many other link building companies don’t specialise in this but it’s become a proven tactic. 

Link Profile Analysis

We conduct an in-depth analysis of your link profile to identify and amend sub-par link building practices. You’ll receive detailed reports and insights into improving your backlink profile. 

Our team specialises in identifying and clearing out detrimental links that jeopardise your site’s reputation and search rankings. This service includes weekly updates and provides a consistent strategy to improve and maintain your link profile’s effectiveness.

Competitive Research Analysis

Our competitive research analysis provides you with insights necessary to outrank your competitors. We identify opportunities to match and exceed their link profile by performing a backlink intersect. This keeps you ahead in the SEO link building race.

Backlink Removal

Noticed a sharp drop in rankings or feeling the effects of an algo update? Unwanted spam links might be the cause. These links could be from private blog networks and be difficult to find. To protect your website’s health our backlink removal service will remove these links. 

Link Building Training

We provide link building training to equip your in-house team with the techniques and knowledge needed for effective link acquisition and management. This training includes learning the best outreach methods, competitive link acquisition, and more. We can customise this training to meet your team’s specific needs.

Metrics Our Link Building Company Analyses

Our team at Backlinks boasts over ten years of SEO expertise. We use this to prioritise quality over quantity when selecting links. We use tested strategies and real-world data from our project sites. We continuously refine our practices to match the latest search engine updates and SEO techniques.

Domain Rating

With a scale up to 100, a website’s Domain Rating reflects the strength of its backlink profile Higher Domain Ratings suggest greater trust and potential to influence rankings. We target links from domains with high ratings to maximise your return on investment.

Anchor Text

We select text that best reflects your target page’s intent which aids both search engines and users in understanding your content’s context. We use varied anchor texts to avoid over-optimization and signal natural linking practices.

URL Rating

A page-level metric that gauges the strength of a page’s backlink profile on a 100-point scale. We aim for pages with high URL Ratings which typically indicates superior link quality and stronger potential to enhance your SEO performance.

Relevancy Match

Google has said that relevant links are what they’re looking for. We always ensure the links we build are not only high quality but also closely align with your content topics. This maximises their effectiveness.

Trust Flow

Trust Flow measures the quality and trustworthiness of a site’s links. Our team looks to build the trust of search engines with high-value links. 

Link Attributes

We focus on creating the right type of links to achieve your goals. Primarily, we build do-follow links to ensure you gain link equity. We avoid links with “sponsored” tags and other attributes that aren’t going to drive your site forward. 

What Makes Our Backlinks the Best?

The best backlinks come from authoritative and relevant websites, sites that can drive real traffic to your site. Receiving links from these desirable domains enhances your credibility and visibility to a new audience.


The most powerful backlinks are from highly respected and established sites within their fields. These links act as a trust signal for search engines. Even a single authoritative backlink can have a greater impact than many lower-quality ones. This is why we always select quality over quantity to ensure our link building efforts yield effective and long-lasting results. 


Google highly values links from sites related to your industry or niche. Relevant backlinks tell search engines that your content is useful to readers. It’s also necessary to build tier-one links from English-speaking countries. 

Referral Traffic

Referral traffic is visitors who click on links from one site to visit another. This traffic is especially valuable as it usually consists of people already interested in what you offer. This means that the traffic is likely to convert better. Search engines see high referral traffic as an indicator of your site’s quality and relevance, which can boost your search engine rankings further.

Your Very Own Link Building Company

We’ve refined a four-step strategy to efficiently build links. This link building process keeps your team updated while we fully manage your SEO link building services.


Our team will start by learning about your company and your goals. We’re not a one-size-fits-all agency, we like to build the right strategy for your goals. 

We will find the right links to your main target pages. We evaluate and tailor methods to develop a strong backlink profile with natural anchor texts, avoiding manipulative practices and focusing on organically built, white-hat links.


The outreach is specifically aimed at niche-relevant sites with continuously refined strategies to maximise response rates. Our experienced link builders target sites with high domain authority and traffic. This allows us to start building important backlinks from the start. 

The Links Go Live

The work doesn’t stop once we acquire the links. We also monitor them to ensure they’re placed correctly and naturally. To generate the most power for your site we build a variety of links until your website is where you want it to be. Our team takes care of the heavy lifting and monitors and adjusts the strategy to get the best results. 

Monthly Backlink Reports

Our monthly reports detail your link-building progress. We highlight key metrics like linking URLs, target pages, anchor text, domain rating, traffic, and keyword visibility. These reports allow you to see how things are working and track the ROI of the link building campaigns. 

Want to Work with Us?

Our team comprises experienced SEO experts who build every link with a deep understanding of the latest search engine trends and white hat practices. We integrate with your team, taking care of all aspects in-house, from guest posts to outreach. Our extensive experience sets us apart from other link building companies. 

Contact our team to explore how our cost-effective packages can meet your specific business needs and support sustainable growth through expert knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions

How much should I pay for link building?

Link building can cost $500 to thousands of dollars a month. The exact amount depends on the services you require and the agency you use. Link building agencies with proven experience and results are likely to cost more. It’s always worth paying for quality when it comes to building links. 

Does link building still work?

Yes, link building still works for improving SEO rankings and connections. High-quality backlinks from reputable sites signal to search engines that your content is valuable and trustworthy. This can enhance your visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

How long does it take to see results from link building?

The time it takes to see results from link building can vary widely, but typically you might start to see improvements in your rankings within 1 to 3 months. For more competitive keywords, it might take longer to observe significant changes.

Is link building safe?

Yes, link building is safe when done correctly using ethical SEO practices. Avoid techniques known as Black Hat SEO as these can result in your site being penalised by search engines.

What makes your link building service unique?

Our link building service stands out because we focus on securing high-quality, relevant links through ethical SEO practices. We tailor our link building strategies to each client’s specific industry and needs, ensuring not only improvement in SEO rankings but also in overall brand authority.

How do you measure the success of your link building?

We measure the success of our digital marketing and link building efforts through various metrics such as the number of links acquired, the quality of links, improvements in SEO rankings, and increases in organic traffic. We provide clients with detailed reports to track these metrics.

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